Sunday, October 26, 2014

Spokky October Blog # 4

Happy Halloween Boils and Ghouls and this time lets take a look at some of the Classic styles of Horror and the games that fit them.

The most classic style of Horror is the Passive Victims or “Idiots in a cabin” horror. Usually it is a group of very pretty but very stupid teens who think a good idea is spending the weekend in that creepy old cabin in the woods. This never ends well for them.

While many movies follow this story, few of the Horror games do. Most Horror RPG's use the second method.

Reactive Investigators This is the X-files stile of Horror. The heroes are members of a underfunded under prepared nebulous organization who go out and investigate something spooky after the fact. Spooky old Pirate ghost, lets go check it out.

Most horror games use the Investigator style of play. The heroes work for “Some government agency” or Privet agency and find out about something horrible and go invigilate it.

And I would have got away with it to if not for you meddling kids.

his style of RPG is reflected in most of the Horror Games. Resident Evil, Silent hill, X-files, Ghost busters, Hijinks,Chill, Call of Cathulu, beyond the supernatural,M20 Horror,Hunter, MIB, Zombi Hunters, Bruise 13, Stalking the night fantastic, The list goes on.

In games like COC you really have no chance to Win, you just survive and do your best to slow the eventual awful stuff. While in more active participation games like Chill or Burrow 13 you actually have the ability to beat the monsters and win.

But for how long, how long.

The third style of Horror RPG is still relatively new and that is the World Of darkness,Supernatural, Vampire Diaries games where not only are you in conflict with Horror you are actually members of the Spooky population. From sexy soulful vampires to conflicted werwolf’s and pouty angels. This style of game was made famous by the World Of darkness/Vampire the masquerade games.

The creations of Ann rice and the Urban fantasy movement of the late 80's would have had us embracing the dark rather then fearing it.

No longer were the monsters the bad guys, now they were the heroes. With there own morals,back story and reasons to adventure.

The world of darkness/vampire the masquerade games and there many clones portrayed our Nightmares as heroes, things to be proud of not afraid of. LARP became a word, story telling diceles role playing became a thing. These games flooded the market, though most of them did not survive past the early 2000's.

Even today people still argue Team Jacob or Team Edward Well all you children of the night, I'm sorry but I am and will always be TEAM BUFFY! Horrible evil monsters are not something to be embraced, there are to be hunted down and staked.

Except for SPIKE, because he was cool.

Speaking of Buffy, that brings us to the nest type of Horror RPG. Lets hunt them down and kill them.

Games like DELTA GREEN and BUFFY would have us play thew roles of active hunters of the dark. No longer were investigators underfunded and under prepared Now the Players knew the dark existed,where they were hiding and had the skills and weaponry to hand those meddiling vampires there candy ass.

Thankfully no RPG's have yet to embrace the SAW style of Torture Porn horror films and most of today’s Spooky Movies are variations of the Hunted cabin/Idiots in the woods story. As for Horror RPG's on the market today>

They are all Zombie related Everywhere you look the Zombies have invaded our RPG's At least once every 3 months a new Zombi Survival RPG arrives-only to quickly vanish.

Despite our love of being scared, we tend to not like being in a Scarey Role Playing games As of today only a few RPG's of the Horror type have any staying power. The never ending juggernaut of Storytelling RPG's that is the World of darkness Line and call of Cthulhu style games. We see a new Zombie game but they seem to not have the staying power, maybe Zombies are overdone and its time to move on.

Personally I think the next big wave of Horror will be a throw back to the 1950's. Science gone wrong horror (planet of the apes) and Kiju horror (Godzilla).

That said SHARKANEDO IS THE BEST MOVI EVER! And I can not wait to play the SHARKANADO RPG!

So Kids, what type of scarey story will you dust off this week for your Halloween RPG?

Whatever it is, stay safe-stay sane. Have fun this Halloween and above all

Unpleasant dremes-MUWHAHHAHAH

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