I have often been known to say the the
Cleric is the most broken class in the D&D Verse because it can
do everything. I have also been known to say that death in the D&D
verse is like the cold. You get over it.
Which I mean to say is that in your
typical fantasy game, the Cleric/Healer has multiple ways to stop
death from claiming a person. From using simple first level cure
light spells to stabilize someone to his abilities to resurrect the
dead at higher levels. No one who dies in a D&D type game will
stay dead if there is a Cleric around.
One thing that is hardly ever thought
about in a RPG though is just what having a Magic healing person
actually means for the world, (or just how powerful that person would
be in our world right now.)
Thanks to a Cleric, no one in a
typical D&D world would ever have to worry about disease,
poison,plague,wounds or even death. Babies would be born with no risk
to them selves or the Mother thanks to a cleric and no one would ever
die unless they wanted to. No one would ever starve because a Cleric
can create food and water. No one would ever have to worry about
Thieves or Assassins due to the Clerics ability to create a
Sanctuary. Disease and plague would be a thing of the past, poisons
would be instantly dealt with. No on could ever tell a lie thanks to
the Clerics Zone of truth powers and the threat of the Forthcoming
Zombi Apocalypse would be nothing more then a bed time story thanks
to a Cleric.
Polio,Ebola,Cancer,Brain Damage, 3rd
Degree Burns, Broken Bones,Starvation,Poison, and every other medical
Symptom would be dealt with in a blink of an eye thanks to a Cleric.
Crime would be pointless as the
Cleric's powers would alone him to locate the Suspect,replay the
Crime and make sure the Criminal suffered the appropriate punishment.
There would be no question of Guilt as the Cleric can make the bad
guy tell the truth. Heck, he can make the Crime Scene talk and tell
him what happened.
Never mind all those religion
arguments and crusades, the cleric proves 100% that there is a God,
possibly more then one.
AND! Should the cleric ever run in to
a problem his powers cant solve, well he would just summon a Angel to
help him!
There would be no need for Science to
progress since a Cleric would be able to provide everything that
motivates industry.
The n there is the DEATH thing. No One
stays dead if the Cleric wills it so. Dispute over a Will or who is
the next in line to sit on the Throne? Nonsense,the Cleric just
brings the dead back to life and asks them. Only one woman on earth
can solve this problem but she died 20 year ago? No big thing, the
Cleric can bring her back.
Overpopulation and starvation because
of the death thing? Not a problem as the Cleric can create an endless
amount of food and shelter and should the world get over crowded? The
Cleric just opens a Portal to the next?
Every thing that ever plagued a
Fantasy medieval setting would not exist because of the Cleric, thus
making him the most important, powerful and BROKEN class in the game
Now imagine a Cleric in today’s
world? It's mind boggling what one Cleric could change in One day on
our world., and a few dozen clerics? They would be ruling the World
by the end of the Week!
So the next time someone does not want
to run a Cleric in the D&D game because he thinks they are Just
Heal bots. Make them read this article and fear the Power of the
Happy holidays
Be excellent